Safety Safety Center

Last Updated: May 31, 2024

At, we recognize the transformative power of user-created content and are committed to harnessing this potential responsibly. As part of this commitment, we have established clear guidelines to prevent the generation of harmful or illegal content.

Our platform is dedicated to fostering creativity and innovation while upholding standards of safety and respect. We understand the importance of balancing the freedom to create with the need to protect vulnerable groups and individuals. Therefore, we have stringent policies against the creation of characters that are minors, depictions of extreme or illegal conduct, and any content that may be deemed disturbing or offensive.

At, we encourage you to be an active participant in upholding our standards by accurately tagging content, reporting violations, and providing feedback. Your involvement is crucial in shaping our community. Together, we can navigate the exciting world of AI, ensuring that remains a platform for innovation, creativity, and respect.

Content Policies is committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for everyone. We are dedicated to harnessing the potential of AI responsibly, prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of minors and identifiable individuals.

(i) Minors

  • ● All photorealistic images of minors are prohibited.
  • ● All sexual depictions of minors are prohibited, including anime genres such as loli and shotacon

(ii) Disturbing Imagery and Hate Speech

  • ● Do not post extremely disturbing content, such as graphic violence, gore, animal abuse, severe injuries or human death
  • ● Do not post content that are disrespectful, demeaning or otherwise harmful towards people or groups of people on the basis of their:
    • ○ Religion or religious beliefs
    • ○ Nationality, ethnicity, or race
    • ○ Gender or sexual orientation
    • ○ Disability or medical conditions

Do not falsely label images as having been created or endorsed by another creator or otherwise impersonate another creator.

How We Moderate Content

As a platform, our goal is to foster an environment of openness and inclusivity while empowering users with tools to see content that is the most interesting and relevant to them. We do this through a combination of user controls, automated content labeling, and content moderation.

User Control
We prioritize user control and offer options to customize the content you see on our platform. Users can opt-into which level of moderated content they wish to view. Furthermore, moderated content remains hidden until a user registers an account and sets their personal content visibility preferences.

Automated Content Labeling and Moderation
We facilitate this high degree of user control through a combination of checkpoints:

  • ● Content Level Suggestion: We use Amazon Rekognition and OpenAI to inform creators about the level of content moderation.
  • ● Manual Reviews: the harpy team regularly goes through a manual review of public content and change its moderation level if such changes are appropriate.

Community Participation

We are committed to continuous improvement and maintaining a user-oriented and safe platform. As part of our community, we encourage you to contribute to these efforts by accurately tagging the models you create and promptly reporting any content that violates our policies.

Policy Feedback and Suggestions

If you have suggestions for improving the guidelines or have spotted something we might have missed, please let us know by submitting feedback or reaching out to us on Discord.

Remember, these guidelines are here to make sure that remains an innovative, respectful, and constructive community. With your cooperation and input, we can continue to make this community a shining example of how AI can be harnessed responsibly and creatively.

Appeals Process

If you believe your content has been removed unfairly, you can submit an appeal for further review through our Appeal Form.

Reporting Violations

If you find content that doesn't adhere to our guidelines, especially concerning minors, please don't hesitate to report it. A "Report" button is available on most images and models throughout the site.

If you need additional help, you can always reach out to our moderators on our Discord server. Your vigilance helps us maintain a safe and respectful community.

Together we can better navigate the development of new AI content while upholding the openness and inclusivity of this platform and community.

We are here for the RPers!

© 2024